Chilli Chicken - Aakash Hotel Style

How many of you went to trivandrum and in pazhavangadi there is a restaurant called aakash,there they make chilli chicken ,i have never tasted anything like that.The smell ,color,texture and taste woow i can dream about it all day..
I have been going to this restaurant from my childhood ,(Thanks to my uncle Whose is the source taker of all us to the restaurant and introducing us to this super dish)always i have chilly chicken not only me its everybody fav,After i came to USA ,one of the most things i miss is these type of restaurant foods.Which you can never get in any restuarants.
I want to try this recipe from day 1 i started eating there ;ok not day 1, i started eating But day 1 i started cooking.Before that i always want someone to find the recipe for me and cook ,unfortunately i didn't get the chance.
I always wondered whether i can call the restaurant and ask for recipe ,but i am little embarrassed to show my desperation and i have no idea whether they will give out their trade secret.
Before making any tried recipes from restaurants ,i try to bring out the taste ,remember it and try to recreate it,thats how i did all these days for my recipes,but for me i remember the taste of aakash chilli chicken but i couldn't bring out the recipe,to tell frankly i craved it for like 1000's of time in my life but i never tried to recreate it.
So finally today morning 5 A.M. lying in bed with no sleep and lots of thoughts going through head and when my mind start to overprocess(sometimes it happens) i overthink lot of works and my mind starts running in circles with no more my control to stop it.I tried to break the thought by thinking some nice memories ,guess what came to my mind"AAkash Chilly Chicken taste"So i tried to recreate the recipe in my mind with the taste in my mind,i came up with a recipe.Which i want to try it desperatly.So i came downstairs and took the chicken from freezer to thaw,so i can make this dish by afternoon.
So With finale grande i made my own concossion and made this recpe and i have to give a hatsoff to myself this is the best recipe i made.And it tasted exactly ;like aakash chilly chicken.So with great achievement and happiness in mind.And with a relief i dont have to go to Triandrum to eat this recipe when i have this obsessive compulsion to eat.I enjoyed this recipe with Soul and heart with my soul mate.
So i want to share this recipe with you guys,I know this is too much of a build up story but this is like getting a lottery for those who had this chilly chicken recipe from aakash.
Nutritional Info:
For 2 Oz:
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
USe Chicken Thigh Meat with some tender bones from chest portion ,Because in restuarant we get little bone pieces which is chewable,so i chose this meat,but you can use any type of meat you like too.For Marinating:
Chicken Meat - 4 Oz / !20 gramsDark Soy Sauce(not light one) - 1 tbsp
Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 tsp each
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Vinegar - 1/2 tbsp
Mix all and marinate for minimum of 2 hours.

For Sauteing:
Coconut Oil -1 tbspOnions Red Chopped very finely - 1 cup
Curry leaf - 1/4 cup,like 5 to 6 sprigs
Green Chillies - 10 nos slitted
Using more green chilly and curry leaf gives extra taste.
Green Chilly SAuce - 1/2 tbsp
Chilly Garlic Sauce - 1/2 tbsp
Ketchup - 3 to 4 tbsp
MSG(optional) - 2 tsp
Salt - as needed
The main taste comes from ketchup and coconut oil only.So use generously.

1.Take a big wok or pan ,the chicken needs space to cook properly,it cannot steam so it needs lot of work area in the pan.Chicken needs to get 3/4th crisp(very important)(You can also fry chicken for 3/4 th crispiness in coconut oil but not too crispy if you desire.I choose to go little healthy,So i am using less oil so i am sauteeing it to crispness.)
3.Once chicken is cooked ,move the chicken to the side of the pan creating a well in the center and add onions and saute it until its translucent then mix with chicken and give a whole stir to everything together.And onions should blend well with chicken at this stage.
4.Now add slit green chillies and 1/2 of curry leaf and give a stir.
5.NOw add all sauces.MSG,Salt and give a quick stir.Let ti sit for 3 to 4 min.Then give a taste check.
If you know aakash chilly chicken its little on the sweeter edge.So add extra ketchup if you feel it necessary.
6.Finally add left over curry leaf and like 1/2 tsp of coconut oil (For fragrance) and give a quick stir and let it sit for 20 min before serving for all the taste to infuse with each other.
So One And Only The Great Famous Aakash Chilly Chicken is ready to Serve with Fried Rice or Parotta.