Today I don't know what to make because there are no veggies in my refrigerator except few carrots which always will be there ,because my big boy likes carrot.We are not really a big fan of eating Cooked carrot.With Fingers Crossed i try this recipe and know what I Liked it,My hubby liked it too.
This is a South Indian Style Carrot Stir Fry with Coconuts and Onions.
ITs easy To make and goes really well with any SouthIndian Curry.


Carrot - 3 Nos,diced
Onion - 1 small size chopped finely
Green Chillies - 4 Nos chopped
Coconut gratings - 2 tablespoon (Fresh or dried)
Curry leaves - few
Oil - 2 teaspoon
Mustard - 1/2 teaspoon
Urad dhal - 1 teaspoon
Jeera - 1/2 teaspoon
Asafoetida / Hing powder - a pinch
Salt - 1 teaspoon


1.Heat a pan ,add oil once its hot,then add mustard seeds.

 2.Once the mustard seeds splutter add urad dhal and jeera,wait till they turn light brown.
 3.Add Chopped onions,green chillies and curry leaf and saute them till onions turns translucent.
 4.Then add diced carrots
 5.Add salt and saute carrot.
 6.Add Coconut flakes(dried,if using now and let it cook along with carrot,If using fresh one add it at the end).Then sprinkle two hands of water and cover and cook till carrot is cooked thoroughly and is soft.
 7.Open lid and let water completely evaporates and become dry.Transfer to a serving dish.